Eli gets a raincoat

Our newest sheepish family member; Eli, is the most easy going sheep I know. He is quiet and loves a cuddle or an ear scratch. He is also not too concerned about getting wet. Even though we are officially in drought, we have had a recent fortnight of drizzle and damp (but not significant rain), during that time we noticed that Eli does not run for the shelter when water starts to fall from the sky like the other sheep. We can use the sheep herd as an indicator of rain by the way they come close to the shelter about half an hour before rain starts to fall, but not Eli. He will stand in the rain, unconcerned; because of this we began to worry about him having damp wool, damp wool can lead to skin problems and sometimes fly strike (in Spring and Summer), it also takes days of warm weather to dry out a full fleece. Fungus thrives in damp wool and can actually kill a sheep fairly quickly.

We tried building him his own shelter…he refused to stay under it. We tried locking him in a sheltered place…he broke out. Our next option is to buy him a raincoat. He is not enjoying the experience of wearing a raincoat at all, so we have decided to only make him wear it when it is threatening rain (it should last a long time). We think he looks very handsome and it is a relief not to have to worry about him standing in freezing drizzle all night.

We are still trying to get a shearer out here who can shear his belly and head. In Spring we will get all the sheep shorn, but for now we would like to reduce Eli’s chances of getting fly strike.

It really makes me think about all those sheep in really cold, wet weather who live in paddocks with no shelter and who are shorn at the beginning of winter. I wouldn’t like to sleep outside on the cold ground in the rain, even with a really good jacket. Sheep and cattle are mammals, just like us, so it makes sense that they have much the same physical needs as us when it comes to cold and heat.

8 thoughts on “Eli gets a raincoat

  1. Could ewe ~ ha ~ please tell me where you got the raincoat ? Thanks ! I have two female pet sheep and we live on the west coast of Canada. Also known as the “wet coast” ! Not many sheep around here, therefore, not many sheep supplies around either. I have been searching on the internet, but have only found sheep blankets for show sheep that are either breathable, or blankets. I need something to keep the wet off. Sincerely,

    • We got ours from a little home business called ‘Coats for Goats’. She can be contacted via Facebook on her page ‘coats4goats’. I wish I had the talent to make my own, but Eli’s coat is so well made and so economical that I decided to go with buying new this time.

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