Passionfruit harvest update

I am still waiting for a tsunami of passionfruit; it can’t be much longer. The vine has flowered, and flowered, and flowered until at last it is FULL of fruit.

The fruit has grown to a huge size, but it is still green. This morning I noticed a slight change in colour, but it could just be wishful thinking… what do you think?

In other news; a pumpkin vine has popped up outside the yard fence and continued to defy the sheep, geese and wandering mower to produce it’s first male flowers. We may yet harvest some pumpkins this Winter.

5 thoughts on “Passionfruit harvest update

  1. I can only dream of something as exotic as passionfruit growing in my garden! Gorgeous. Wishing you a great harvest đź‘Ť

  2. Did you grow from seed? or a plant? Where might I get a plant or seeds? And what zone do you grow these in? Any tips on growing?

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