Local insects and animals – Striped Burrowing Frog

Picture this: it’s a warm Autumn evening, and you’re heading out to check on your chooks before bed. You peek into the water pot and what do you find? A striped burrowing frog! Yes, you read that right – a frog in the chook water. And let me tell you, it was quite the surprise!

Now, you might be wondering how a frog ended up in a chook water in the first place. Well, as it turns out, burrowing frogs are quite skilled at, you guessed it, burrowing. They often dig themselves into the ground to escape the heat and dryness of the Australian climate. But when the ground is too dry, they might seek out alternative sources of water – like your chook water pot!

So, who exactly is this striped burrowing frog? Let’s dive into some interesting facts and biological information.

Firstly, the striped burrowing frog, also known as the southern sandhill frog, is a native Australian species found primarily in southern and eastern Australia. As their name suggests, they are excellent diggers and can burrow up to a meter deep in the ground. They are a small, stocky frog with distinctive stripes along their back and legs, ranging from brown to reddish-brown in color.

One interesting aspect of the striped burrowing frog is its unique breeding behavior. Unlike most frogs, which lay their eggs in water, the striped burrowing frog lays its eggs in burrows it has dug in the ground. The male frog will often guard the burrow and protect the eggs until they hatch, which can take up to six months!

Another interesting fact about the striped burrowing frog is its adaptability. These frogs are able to survive in a wide range of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and even urban areas. However, their populations have declined in some areas due to habitat loss and fragmentation, making them a species of conservation concern.

Now, back to that frog in the chook water. While it might seem like an odd place for a frog to hang out, it’s actually not that uncommon. Many animals, including frogs, will seek out water sources in the Australian landscape, especially during periods of drought. In fact, it’s not uncommon to find frogs in swimming pools, water troughs, and other water sources around your property.

So, what should you do if you find a frog in your chook water? First and foremost, make sure the frog is safely removed and released back into its natural habitat. Frogs can drown in water sources that are too deep or have no means of escape, so it’s important to give them a helping hand.

Additionally, providing alternative sources of water for wildlife around your property can help to reduce the likelihood of animals seeking out your chook water. Try setting up a small pond or bird bath in a shaded area away from your chooks.

In conclusion, while finding a striped burrowing frog in your chook water might seem like an odd occurrence, it’s actually quite normal for these adaptable little creatures. So, the next time you’re checking on your chooks, keep an eye out for any unexpected visitors – you never know who might be taking a dip in the water pot!

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